Geopathic Stress / House Clearings
The earth is energy – all that is, is energy. Energy from the earth is mostly beneficial. However,
in places the earth’s energy can cause a disturbance in the flow of energy in your energy fields.
This is caused by the electromagnetic fields created by underground streams running beneath the
surface of the earth and can affect your health in harmful ways especially if you spend a lot of time
in a such a place. This is known as geopathic stress. As I said elsewhere, once the balance in the flow
of your energy goes out of balance, illness results at a later date especially if you delay in
correcting this. There are of course many reasons for illness in a person. Illness that does occur
must not be thought to be caused by geopathic stress, but develops as a result of a breakdown of
the immune system influenced by geopathic stress. The good news is that geopathic stress can be
corrected and so need cause us no problems.
Geopathic stress can be located by divining to establish if underground streams run under your
home. A good diviner can map the entry and exit points of the underground stream (if present) of the
building in question. They can then neutralise the energy field of the underground stream by using a
variety of traditional techniques. Such corrections are normally effective for life unless earth
disturbance occurs nearby such as landslides, construction of new roads, digging of drains etc.
Such activity might reverse the work done and in such instances the place may need to be
rechecked and corrected again after new construction work etc is completed.Emotional imprints are another important issue to be considered. Emotional imprints refer to the
atmosphere in a place. Many imprints are happy, however, unhappy imprints can also be present. If
present the negative emotional imprints can affect the energy of the place and the energy of the
people who spend time there. A wide variety of traditional techniques can be used to clear unhappy emotional
imprints.Clearing the energies of your space restores the vitality of the place to ensure place and person can live together in
harmony.For more information on the whole area of house clearing visit Joe Mullally's website ANAMSPIRIT.COM
Mary Thompson
Tralee, Co. Kerry
Tel: 086-3564395This website is: www.EnergyTherapyHealing.com