Tralee - County Kerry - Munster - Ireland
Energy Therapy
- Everything in this universe is made up of energy. We are energy, we are surrounded by
energy. Everything that is, is energy.- Energy flows within and around our bodies (human energy fields).
- Good health and vitality result when our energy flow is balanced and so we feel great.
- We begin to feel tired and sluggish if or when our energy flow goes out of balance.
- Once the flow in energy is out of balance, ill health will result at a later date especially if we
delay in correcting it.
How do you correct the balance in the flow of energy I hear you ask?
Well for starters let’s look at some of the main factors that upset the balance in the flow of
energy in the first place.
Factors that upset energy flow
The holistic theory of health points to the fact that humans are not separate from their
environment and that disease or wellness comes from the total life experience of the individual.
Therefore our individual response to events in our everyday lives determines much about our
health and happiness. The following are some of the main factors that upset the balance in the flow
of energy
- Ongoing Negative thoughts
- Ongoing Negative feelings
- Ongoing Stress
- Poor nutrition
- Exposure to Pollution (all types)
- Lack of natural light
Can you see how any of these describe how you are thinking, feeling or being right now?
How to have more energy?
You need to correct the balance in the flow of energy within and around your body. HOW? Yes you guessed it, with Energy Therapy!Healing is defined as bringing the body back into balance. Energy Therapy is based on this principle
– the principle that the body will heal itself provided the energy flow is balanced.
- Energy Therapy is used to maintain health and wellness and so prevent illness -
the "Wellness Programme"
- Energy Therapy has repeatedly been shown to be an effective addition to conventional
treatment of physical, emotional and mental conditions.- Energy Therapy does not substitute for modern medicine but supports it and can even
enhance it in a complimentary approach to healthcare.- Energy Therapy can be used together with all other approaches to healthcare.
- EnergyTherapy treats the whole person in a “whole”istic approach
Mary Thompson
Tralee, Co. Kerry
Tel: 086-3564395This website is: www.EnergyTherapyHealing.com