Links Page
This page includes a range of links to further resourses and interesting web sites
ANAM Center - Geopathic Stress, Dowsing and Shamanism
The well known holistic resources website, catering for shamanism geopathic stress and dowsing interests. It provides a wide range of tuition and workshop programs run by Joe Mullally ...
Meeting point for those interested in dowsing and divining with organised field trips and a newsletter
Developed in Ireland by Michael O'Doherty and Tom Griffin the Plexus System represents the integration of a network of powerful and effective healing techniques that work by rebalancing the life-forcnd the energy within and aroue body.
The Domancic Method of Bioenergy Therapy was created over 30 years ago by Zdenko Domancic, the pre-eminent bioenergy healer in Europe.
The Stress Management Institute of Ireland
Established in 1990 as a centre of excellence. The institute provides information, education and training in the management of stress for individuals and organisations. We provide professional and expert solutions for the effective management of prolonged or chronic stress
International Wheel of Colour Association
The International Wheel of Colour (IWOC) is an independent non-profit association incorporating The Colour Therapy Council (CTC) that aims to provide an international register of people working with colour as a healing medium
This is a web resource for Irish practitioners, teachers and people interested in the Aura-Soma Colour-Care System
Bach flower remedies from Healing Herbs
Using the original instructions of Dr Edward Bach, Healing Herbs, since 1988 has produced the full range of Bach flower remedies, including the famous Five Flower combination that he called 'the rescue remedy'. Dedicated to further the understanding of Bach flower therapy, Healing Herbs regularly publishes new research, produces thought-provoking films and sponsors a wide range of original field projects and training programmes.
Imagine how much better you would feel if you had more energy?
With Energy Therapy you don’t need to imagine!
Energy - Three important facts
We are energy, we are surrounded by energy. All that is, is energy.
Good health and vitality are the result of a balanced energy flow within and around your body.
If your energy flow goes out of balance, illness and tiredness results and the aging process is speeded up.
How can I have more energy I hear you ask?
Answer..... Energy Therapy !because.... Energy Therapy corrects the balance in the flow of energy restoring your harmony and vitality.
Sooo Take the first step.... why not contact some of the resources listed above and get your energy moving TODAY
This website is: www.EnergyTherapyHealing.com