Mary Thompson Biography
“We are what we think, our thoughts create our feelings. How we feel has much to do with our
health so an integrated approach to health and wellness is required. Illness begins at energy level
and so much can be achieved using treatments and preventative measures at this level. Modern
allopathic medicine and traditional holistic medicine are complimentary to each other and both have
important roles to play in overall healthcare.” ..... Mary Thompson
Mary Thompson grew up on a farm in Knocknagoshel, Co. Kerry. This cultivated her life-long love of nature and
the land. Her great grand uncle Jim Thompson was a renowned traditional healer of both people and
animals. This has been and continues to be a strong influence informing all her own individual
methods and practice.Deeply interested for many years in the philosophy and psychology of teachers such as Maslow,
Freud, Jung, D’Mello, Benson etc. she moved to study both Meditation and Yoga more intensively in
the early 1990’s. Since then Mary has explored and studied many different therapy approaches
including our individual stress responses, stress management, relaxation skills, the
importance of our spiritual connection, vibrational medicine including plexus bio – energy
therapy plus colour and light therapy. Furthermore, she also holds certification in traditional
divining techniques relating to geopathic stress correction, space clearing and divining.Mary has a keen interest in energy essences including the Bach flower range. She also
regularly makes her own flower essences and has experienced first-hand their healing effects both
for herself and with others.
“I firmly believe that to be genuinely happy in life, we must fully explore, come to know
and celebrate our own heart - our individual nature and way of being” Mary Thompson
Mary Thompson
Tralee, Co. Kerry
Tel: 086-3564395This website is: www.EnergyTherapyHealing.com